§ 11-43. Same—To whom issued, denial, revocation.  

Latest version.
  • Permits shall be issued to electrical contractors or electrical sign contractors who are qualified by having a valid license to secure permits as set forth in this chapter or their duly authorized agent. Electrical contractors or electrical sign contractors shall certify their duly authorized agent to the city electrical inspector in the form of an affidavit stating that such electrical contractor or electrical sign contractor assumes all and full responsibility for any permits taken out or applied by such agent. The certification shall be kept in the city building development services office.

    Denial or revocation.


    Any business or individual may be denied registration or renewal by the building development services director if their application contains false or misleading information, their information cannot be verified, they have one (1) or more court judgments against them, or they have a conviction for any crime of moral turpitude that involves dishonesty, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, or that reflect adversely on a person's honesty or trustworthiness.


    An applicant's permit, license, endorsement, or registration privileges under this chapter may be revoked temporarily for providing false or misleading information; failing to provide updated information within 30 days of such change; failing to maintain trade licensure from the appropriate agency having licensing authority; suspension of licensure; transferring or allowing another person, firm, or corporation to use registration or permit; failing to maintain general liability insurance; being convicted of at least one (1) violations of this article or any other ordinance of the city within a 12-month period, including but not limited to, convictions arising from failing to obtain required permits, failing to request required inspections and failing to correct code violations.


    A person whose permit, license, endorsement, or registration has been revoked for the first violation, may not apply for a new permit, license, endorsement, or registration before six (6) months from the date of revocation. A person whose permit, license, endorsement, or registration has been revoked for a subsequent violation within the 12-month period following the initial revocation, may not apply for a new permit, license, endorsement, or registration before one (1) from the date of the subsequent revocation.


    Appeal from revocation of a permit, license, endorsement, or registration may be made by filing a written protest to the city manager.

(Ord. of 6-28-60, Art. X(f); Ord. of 8-16-63, § 3; Ord. No. 88-15, § 2, 2-3-88; Ord. No. 2010-O-014, § 1, 2-1-10; Ord. No. 2017-O-137 , § 3, 10-11-17)