§ 18-1. Location of funeral homes, etc., restricted.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It shall be unlawful for any person to locate, establish, maintain, operate or conduct the business of an undertaker, mortician, funeral home or funeral parlor, within the limits of the city without first having obtained a permit or license therefor, as herein provided.


    Any person desiring to locate, establish, maintain, operate or carry on the business of an undertaker, mortician, funeral home or funeral parlor, within the limits of the city, shall make application therefor to the city council and file the same with the city secretary. The application shall contain the name of the applicant and the name to be used in the conduct of such business, and whether a natural person, firm or corporation, the proposed location of such business establishment and whether a chapel is to be maintained in connection therewith for conducting funeral services from such establishment, and such other information as may be required by the city council. Such application shall be presented by the city secretary to the next regular meeting of the city council, and the same shall be referred by the city council to a board of examiners composed of the city health officer and the chief of police, who shall jointly investigate the location of such proposed business establishment, as to whether the same is located on a main thoroughfare (or main artery) of travel into or through the city, whether in the business district or residential district, its proximity to dwelling houses, schools and churches, and as to whether the conduct of such business at the proposed location would create a traffic hazard or problem and a nuisance detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the city, and particularly to the people residing in the vicinity of such proposed location.


    The board of examiners shall make the investigation as herein provided, and shall thereafter make their written report to the city council at its next regular meeting, together with their recommendation as to whether a permit should be granted and thereafter such application shall be considered and acted upon by the city council.


    The city council shall be authorized to grant, by resolution, permits to individuals, firms or corporations to establish, maintain and operate the business of undertaker, mortician, funeral home or funeral parlor, at such location within the city as, in the opinion of the city council, would not be harmful and detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the city and its inhabitants.

(Ord. of 5-6-47, §§ 1—4)