§ 19-653. Cost responsibility.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The cost for the speed cushion installation includes signs, pavement markings, and if necessary, special design features such as bollards, curbing, or guardrail. It may be shared between the city and residents according to how much the measured speed on the street exceeds the speed criteria. Streets that request city funding are ranked according to their speeding problem on an annual basis. If the city's available funds for this program are not sufficient to install speed humps on the street the first year, it will remain eligible for three (3) additional years. This cost sharing is defined as follows:


    85th Percentile Speed Resident's Cost Share
    Less than 36 mph 80%
    37 mph 60%
    38 mph 40%
    39 mph 20%
    40 mph or greater 0%



    The term "resident", when used in cost sharing, does not necessarily refer to the petitioners. It is used to define the share of the cost that is not the responsibility of the city and could be paid by one (1) or more of the residents or from other private sources. Notwithstanding the provisions of the foregoing cost sharing table, residents may be able to expedite speed cushion installation by voluntarily paying the full installation cost.

(Ord. No. 2010-O-139, § D., 9-20-10)