§ 25-2. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following terms when used in this chapter shall be construed to have the meanings given them in this section:

    Appliance. The term "appliance" shall mean any appliance which uses gas or any liquefied petroleum gas as fuel, and appliances which require a drain connection.

    Appliance dealer. The term "appliance dealer" shall mean any person engaged in the business of selling, buying, trading or in any way dealing with gas-operated appliances requiring drain installations, and who may or may not sell, buy, trade or deal with the other appliances.

    Cross-connection. The term a "cross-connection" shall mean any unprotected actual or potential connection or structural arrangement between a public or a consumer's potable water system and any other source or system through which it is possible to introduce into any part of the potable system any used water, industrial fluid, gas, or substance other than the intended potable water with which the system is supplied.

    Customer service inspection. The term a "customer service inspection" shall mean an on-site physical inspection of any new construction, material improvements, addition to plumbing, or existing service deemed in need of a customer service inspection by the water purveyor or by an approved master plumber.

    House or building. A "house" or "building" shall include any structure that requires any plumbing installation.

    Journeyman plumber. A "journeyman plumber" is any person other than a master plumber, who as his principal occupation is engaged in the practical installation of plumbing and/or gas fittings, and who shall work under the supervision of a licensed master plumber and who holds a license as a journeyman plumber issued by the state board of plumbing examiners.

    Local ventilating pipe. A "local ventilating pipe" is a pipe through which foul air is removed from a room or fixture.

    Master plumber. A "master plumber" is any person having a regular place of business, skilled in the planning, supervision and practical installation of plumbing and gas fitting and familiar with the laws, rules and regulations governing same and who has successfully fulfilled the examinations and requirements of the state board of plumbing examiners for a master plumber.

    Plumbing. "Plumbing" is the art of installing in buildings or on premises, the pipes, fixtures and other apparatus for bringing in the water supply, removing liquid and water-carried waste, and of installing gas piping.

    Plumbing system. The "plumbing system" of a building or premises includes the water supply distributing pipes; the fixtures and fixture traps; the soil, waste and vent pipes; the gas piping; the house drain and house sewer with their devices, appurtenances and connections all within or adjacent to the building or on the premises.

    Siphonage. When referring to fixture trap seals, "siphonage" means:


    The condition where the velocity of discharge of a fixture is so rapid that all waste liquids pass through the respective trap by momentum, leaving none to refill or form the required trap seal; or


    Where a below-atmospheric pressure condition develops in a system of soil and waste lines, sufficient to draw outside air through a trap seal or to draw enough liquid from the trap seal so as to destroy its effectiveness.

    Size and length. The given caliber of size of pipe is for a nominal internal or external diameter, whichever is the customary measurement of that type of pipe. The developed length of a pipe is its length along the center line of pipe and fittings.

    Trap. A "trap" is a fitting or device so constructed as to prevent the passage of air or gas through a fixture without materially affecting the flow of sewage or wastewater through it.

    Unsanitary. The term "unsanitary" shall apply to any of the following conditions:


    A trap not maintaining the proper seal.


    Any opening in a drainage system, except where lawful, which is not provided with a liquid-sealed trap.


    A plumbing fixture or other waste-discharging receptacle or device which is not supplied with water sufficient to flush it and maintain it in a clean condition.


    A leaky or otherwise defective fixture, trap or pipe.


    A trap, except where exempted by this chapter, which is not protected against siphonage and back pressure.


    Any connection, cross-connection, construction or condition, temporary or permanent, which would make possible by any means whatsoever for any unapproved foreign matter to enter a water distributing system used for domestic purposes.

(Ord. No. 27-108, § 1, 6-12-89; Ord. No. 99-301, § 1, 10-4-99)