§ 26-63. Conduct of sale.
Property subject to sale under this article shall be offered for sale at a local or internet public auction, in the manner provided in this article, to the highest bidder for each piece of property or assembled in lots, whichever offers the best price obtainable for such property.
The public sale by auction provided for in subsection (a) shall be conducted at the place and hour designated in the public notice. All sales shall be for cash and shall be final. The property shall be sold as is and a bill of sale, if requested, shall be given to the purchaser but not title transfer or title papers of any nature shall be furnished.
The property officer shall conduct such sale, or the city may contract with a company to conduct the sale, and the party conducting the sale shall keep an accurate statement of each article sold and the price bid and paid therefor, and shall make a complete report within fifteen (15) days of the sale, in writing to the finance director and the chief of police, of the time, place and manner (either local or internet public auction) of conducting the sale, and shall account for the money received at all such sales. All funds received on account of the sale shall be delivered to the city finance director.
Property subject to sale via the internet shall be offered for sale to the public via one (1) or more domain names on the worldwide web (www) as determined by the company that has been designated by the city. The property will be sold to the highest bidder for each piece of property or assembled in lots, whichever offers the best price obtainable for such property.
Internet auctions shall be held at a date and time as determined by the property officer or company designated to conduct auction(s) via the www. All sales shall be charged via credit/debit card as designated by the vendor and shall be sold as is and a bill of sale, if requested, shall be provided to the purchaser by the vendor, but no title transfer or title papers of any nature shall be furnished.
(Ord. of 5-3-77, §§ 4—6; Ord. of 5-6-80, §§ 4—6; Ord. No. 2011-O-046, § 1, 4-18-11)