§ 28-139. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this article, the following terms shall have the following meanings unless denoted otherwise:

    Department shall mean the City of Laredo Police Department.

    Individual means only a natural person.

    Noncommercial purpose shall mean charitable, philanthropic, social, civic, educational, religious, nonprofit, benevolent, patriotic or other nonprofit objectives whether actual or purported, including the benefit of poor, needy, sick, refugee or disabled persons; the benefit of any church or religious society, sect, group or order; the benefit of any fraternal, social or civic organization, or the benefit of any educational institution. The term "noncommercial purpose" shall not be construed to include the direct benefit of the individual making the solicitation or the benefit of any political group or political organization which is subject to financial disclosure under state or federal law.

    Noncommercial street solicitation campaign means any course of conduct whereby:


    A person solicits funds from occupants in vehicles(s) on a street or highway on the plea or representation that the proceeds therefrom are for any noncommercial purpose;


    A corporation chartered under the Texas Nonprofit Corporation Act or any of its agents solicits funds from occupants in vehicle(s) on streets or highways; or


    A person solicits funds from occupants in vehicle(s) on a street or highway for an organization that is organized for any noncommercial purpose.

    Person means and includes any natural person, firm, partnership, corporation or association.

    Solicits funds or solicitation of funds means any request for the donation of money, property, or anything of value, or the pledge of a future donation of money, property, or anything of value; or the selling or offering for sale of any property, real or personal, tangible or intangible, whether of value or not, including, but not limited to, goods, books, pamphlets, tickets, publications or subscriptions to publications. Expressly excluded from the meaning of "solicit funds" or "solicitation of funds" is any offer of membership in any organization. A solicitation of funds is complete when the solicitation is communicated to any individual, whether or not the person making the solicitation of funds receives a contribution or makes a sale, within the incorporated limits of the city.

    Street means the portion of the public right-of-way which is generally paved, designated, or used for vehicular traffic, and all areas dedicated to public use for public right-of-way purposes, which includes parkways, alleys, and roadway.

(Ord. No. 98-215, § 2, 8-24-98)