§ 28-141. Registration statement.  

Latest version.
  • All persons desiring to conduct a noncommercial street solicitation campaign in the city shall file with the department a registration statement, on forms provided by the department, at least seven (7) working days before the beginning date of the campaign, containing the following:


    Name of applicant and name of organization of which is registering.


    Whether the person registering is an individual, partnership, corporation or association, and:


    If an individual, his or her business or residence address and telephone number.


    If a partnership, the names of all partners and the principal business address and telephone number of each partner.


    If a corporation, whether it is organized under the laws of Texas or is a foreign corporation, the mailing address, business location, telephone number, and name of the individual in charge of the Laredo office of the corporation, the names of all officers and directors or trustees of the corporation, and, if a foreign corporation, the place of incorporation.


    If an association, the association's principal business address and telephone number, if any, and the names and principal business or residence addresses and telephone numbers of all members of the association. However, if there are more than ten (10) members, the person registering may alternatively list the names and principal business or residence addresses and telephone numbers of the officers and directors or trustees of the association. If the association is part of a multistate organization or association, the mailing address and business location of its principal headquarters shall be given, in addition to the mailing address and business location of its local office.


    A brief description of the noncommercial purpose for which the noncommercial street solicitation campaign is being conducted, and an explanation of the intended use of the funds toward that purpose.


    The names of all individuals authorized to incur expenses related to the solicitation or to disburse any proceeds of the solicitation.


    The name, mailing address and telephone number of each individual who will have organizational responsibility with respect to the solicitation of funds. If there are more than twenty (20) such individuals, the person registering may alternatively list the twenty (20) individuals with the principal organizational responsibility with respect to the solicitation of funds.


    A statement as to whether the organization has previously been registered;


    As to each, if any, officer, director, trustee, partner, or any current agent or employee engaging in the solicitation of funds who within the past seven (7) years has been convicted of (or been incarcerated for any conviction of) a felony or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, the name of the individual, the nature of the offense, the name of the state where the conviction occurred, and the year of conviction.


    The number of persons proposed to solicit funds during the campaign.


    The total amount of funds proposed to be raised.


    The time period, no longer than three (3) days within which the noncommercial street solicitation campaign is to be conducted, giving the beginning date(s), proposed ending date(s), times of day(s) and street locations for which the organization intends to conduct the campaign.


    A projected schedule of salaries, wages, fees, commissions, expenses and costs that the person registering reasonably believes will be expended and paid in connection with noncommercial street solicitation campaign or in connection with the disbursement of the funds collected.


    The names of cities outside Webb County, Texas, in which the person registering has solicited funds for a noncommercial purpose within the past five (5) years, but in event that the person registering has solicited funds for a noncommercial purpose in more than five (5) other cities, the person registering may list the five (5) most populated cities in which it has solicited funds during the previous five (5) years.


    A statement to the effect that if a certificate of registration is granted, such certificate will not be used as or represented to be an endorsement by the city or any of its officers or employees.


    An explanation of the reasons, if the person registering is unable to provide any of the foregoing information, why such information is not available.


    The signature of an individual on behalf of the person registering. If the person is an individual, this is the applicant. If the person registering is a partnership, this is the partner charged with disbursing the funds solicited. If the person registering is a corporation or an association, this is its officer charged with disbursing the funds solicited. The individual signing the registration statement shall sign the statement and swear before an officer authorized to administer oaths that he or she has carefully read the registration statement and that all the information contained therein is true and correct.

(Ord. No. 98-215, § 2, 8-24-98)