§ 2-281. Purpose.  

Latest version.
  • It is the purpose of both the City of Laredo Drug and Alcohol Policy and Procedures Manual (Resolution No. 95-R-068, adopted on April 17, 1995; as amended), together with this Addendum, (Ordinance No. 97-O-020; as amended), to set forth the guidelines under which the city will aggressively enforce and prohibit the employee of the following while on the job: use of drugs, alcohol, and/or inhalants; and being under the influence of drugs, alcohol, and/or inhalants; and/or possession of illegal drugs, alcohol, and/or inhalants. Specifically, this addendum will identify, for purposes of guidance, the job-related behaviors which lead to reasonable suspicion that a violation of the city's policies may have occurred. Further, this policy addendum will set forth disciplinary actions that will result when a violation of the policy is confirmed by the City.

(Ord. No. 2008-O-011, § II, 1-7-08)