§ 2-282. Scope.  

Latest version.
  • This policy addendum together with the City of Laredo Drug and Alcohol Policy and Procedures Manual, applies to all current City of Laredo employees and all applicants for all city employment (hereinafter jointly referred to as "this policy" or "the policy"). In addition to all city employees and applicants for employment, this policy shall also apply to the following: co-op students, seasonal, part-time positions, interns and temporary employees. Staff hired through employment agencies shall adhere to this policy. This policy covers all drugs, alcohol, and/or inhalants, which could impair an employee's ability to effectively and safely perform their job functions. (Please note that when referring to the male gender such as "he", "his" or "him", throughout the policy, it shall be construed to include both male and female.)

(Ord. No. 2008-O-011, § III, 1-7-08)