§ 31-141.17. Definitions in the water conservation plan.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of this plan only, the following terms, words and/or phrases, and their derivations, shall have the meanings set forth below, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Approved low water plant list for Laredo means a list of plants, shrubs, and turf that are suitable for Laredo's climate, soil, and salinity. This list, as may be amended from time to time, was compiled by the utilities department and shall be available from the water conservation program or may be downloaded from the City of Laredo webpage at www.ci.laredo.tx.us.

    Blowdown meter means a meter that tracks the amount of water discharged from a cooling tower system.

    Cooling tower means an open water recirculation device that uses fans or natural draft to draw or force air to contact and cool water through the evaporative process.

    Customer means any person, company, or organization using water supplied by the city. It includes individuals, corporations, partnerships, associations, and all other legal entities.

    Dining facilities and cafeterias mean a place that prepares and serves food and beverages to be consumed on premises.

    Effluent means same as gray water (see gray water).

    Evergreen means a plant with foliage that persists and remains green year-round.

    Grass means (see turf or turf grass).

    Gray water means a domestic or municipal wastewater that has been treated to a quality suitable for a beneficial use in accordance with applicable laws.

    Hard-surfaced areas means areas that are not designed for irrigation purposes but need to be washed using a high pressure washing device such as driveways, concrete pads, parking lots, or floor patios made of wood or other material.

    Hardscape means solid non-organic materials, such as rock, stone, concrete, brick, or other similar type material used to cover ground on areas not intended to support vegetation, but rather complement or enhance it, or to allow access for maintenance or better visualization.

    High pressure washer means a mechanical device that uses high pressure water to remove mold, grime, dust, mud and dirt from surfaces and objects such as buildings, vehicles, and concrete road surfaces. This device consists of a motor which directly drives a water pump, a high pressure hose, and a trigger gun that does not exceed 4.5 gallons of water per minute (gpm).

    Hose bibb vacuum breaker means a spring-loaded check valve that seals against an atmospheric outlet when the water supply is turned on. When the supply is turned off, the device vents to atmosphere, thus protecting backsiphonage conditions and preventing possible contamination of water supply.

    Hot water on-demand system means a plumbing system that incorporates a device that provides hot water on demand, thus preventing water waste by a user while waiting for hot water to reach the faucet.

    Impervious surface means patios, pathways, and other areas where firm footing is desired, constructed in such a way that does not allow water to penetrate the ground. Examples include, but are not limited to: slab patios, sidewalks and driveways, asphalt streets or pavers, stones, or flagstones set with mortar.

    Industrial water user means a customer that uses large amounts of water in the manufacturing and processing of products.

    Irrigation system means a system with fixed pipes and emitters or heads that apply water to landscape plants or turf grass including, but not limited to, in-ground and permanent systems.

    Irrigation system analysis means a zone-by-zone analysis of an irrigation system.

    Landscapable area means any area of ground that can support vegetative ground cover or other landscaping plants. Sidewalks and other impervious surfaces are not considered landscapable areas.

    Landscaping means the improvement of a section of ground by contouring the land and planting any combination of living plants such as trees, shrubs, vines, groundcover or grass, and placing natural features such as rock, stone, bark chips or shavings.

    Large water user means a customer that uses more than four thousand (4,000) gallons per day.

    Makeup meter means a meter that measures the amount of water entering a cooling tower system.

    Mulch means an organic or inorganic material, which is placed to prevent erosion, lower soil temperature, and maintain soil moisture.

    Native plant means a commercially grown or legally harvested plant hardy to the natural conditions of the South Texas Plains (part of the Tamaulipan Biotic Province), which once established is capable of sustaining growth without supplemental watering.

    Permeable paving means materials such as brick pavers set in sand or other permeable base.

    Person means any individual, corporation (including a government corporation), organization, state, or federal governmental subdivision or agency, political subdivision of a state, interstate agency or body, business, trust, partnership, association, firm, company, joint stock company, joint venture, commission, or any other legal entity.

    Pervious landscape means patios, pathways, and other areas where firm footing is desired, constructed in such a way that allows for water to penetrate the ground. Examples include flagstone set in sand and wood plank decks.

    Plumbing fixture means a device that receives water, waste, or both and discharges the water, waste, or both into a drainage system.

    Positive shut-off means a valve that is held in a closed position by system pressure until it is overridden by an outside source.

    Residential customer means a single or multi-family dwelling unit containing two (2) or fewer family units.

    Shrub means a woody plant, deciduous or evergreen, generally multi-stemmed with small branches near the ground and growing smaller than a tree.

    Single-pass cooling system means a system that removes heat by transferring it to a supply of clean water and releasing it down the drain. This system is relatively inexpensive to install, but it is significantly more expensive to operate, resulting in high water and sewer bills. Examples of cooling equipment that may have single-pass cooling include: air conditioners, refrigerators, coolers, and ice machines.

    Summer dormancy means the ability of turf grass to survive without water for a period of sixty (60) consecutive days during the months of May through September. Turf grass, with summer dormancy capabilities approved for use, is set forth in the approved low water plant list.

    Swimming pool means any portable or permanent structure containing a body of water twenty-four (24) inches or more in depth and containing one thousand one hundred (1,100) gallons or more of water and is intended for recreational purposes.

    Tenant means one (1) that pays rent to use or occupy land, a building, or other property owned by another person.

    Turf or turf grass means a perennial groundcover plants and grasses adapted to regular mowing and traffic through management, which excludes St. Augustine grass.

    Utilities director means the director of the utilities department of the City of Laredo.

    Utility means the City of Laredo Utilities Department, which provides water and wastewater services to the residents of the City of Laredo in the State of Texas, County of Webb.

    Vehicle wash facility means a permanently-located business that washes vehicles with water or water-based products including, but not limited to, self-service vehicle washes, full-service vehicle washes, roll-over/in-bay style vehicle washes, and fleet maintenance wash facilities.

    Vehicle washing means the washing of any motor vehicle, motorcycle, truck, trailer, boat, airplane, or other mobile equipment.

    Vehicle wash fundraiser means any special-purpose vehicle wash event for which a fee is charged or a donation is accepted.

    Wastewater means water that has already been used, which includes substances such as: human waste, food scraps, oils, soaps, or chemicals. In homes, this includes water from sinks, showers, bathtubs, toilets, washing machines, and dishwashers; businesses, industries, and storm runoff also contribute to these waste products.

    Water closet means a plumbing fixture that has a water-containing receptor that receives liquid and solid body waste and, on actuation, conveys the waste through an exposed integral trap seal into a drainage system.

    Water conservation plan means a strategy or combination of strategies for reducing the volume of water withdrawn from a water supply source, for reducing the loss or waste of water, for maintaining or improving the efficiency in the use of water, for increasing the recycling and reuse of water, and for preventing the pollution of water.

    Water conservation planner means the manager of the water conservation program in the City of Laredo. Duties include, but are not limited to, administering and enforcing the program, hearing and reviewing all variance petitions and water conservation plans, and preparing approved variances.

    Water harvesting means the process of intercepting irrigation runoff or stormwater and storing it with the intention of putting it to beneficial use thereby reducing runoff and making maximum use of irrigation and rain water.

    Water flow restrictor or aerator means an orifice or other device designed to reduce the rate at which water moves.

    Water waste means any water, other than natural precipitation, that flows from a property to the public right-of-way or adjacent private property. Landscape irrigation is the most common cause of water waste, but it can also result from air conditioning systems, leaks, car washing, and other uses of water. Water waste results in the loss of a valuable natural resource.

    Xeriscape means a type of landscaping that is drought resistant, conserves water and protects the environment. The word is a combination of "landscape" and the Greek word "xeros" meaning "dry." Xeriscape is a trademark of the Denver Water Department.

( Ord. No. 2014-O-048, §1(Exh. A), 4-21-14 )