Laredo |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 31. UTILITIES |
Article III. WATER |
§ 31-141.88. Exempted parties.
Owners of water wells, owners of water rights, and effluent users are exempt from the provisions of this division, except that they are prohibited from allowing water to spray or run off in any street, gutter, ditch, or drain, or to any adjacent property.
Customers using effluent for irrigation or other purposes shall have an approved written agreement from the City of Laredo Utilities Department.
( Ord. No. 2014-O-048, §1(Exh. A), 4-21-14 )
This composite list consists of plants, shrubs, vines, groundcovers, perennials, ornamental grasses, trees, and turf grasses that were evaluated by local experts for suitability to Laredo's climate, type of soil, and salinity. This list was approved by the City of Laredo Utilities Department for adoption as part of the water conservation ordinance.
Anyone seeking to add or delete a plant specimen from this list may submit a written request to the director of the utilities department explaining and supporting the reason for addition or deletion of such plant specimen. All additions or deletions to this approved list are subject to approval from the director of the utilities department.
Common Names Scientific Name Comments Common Sunflower Helianthus annuus Fast grow; edible seeds; oil Cowpen Daisy* Verbesina enceliodes Flowerbeds; bird food Globe Amaranth, Bachelor's Button Gomphrena globosa Flowers good for cutting Indian Blanket Gaillardia pulchella Attractive to bees, butterflies, and birds Indian Paintbrush Castilleja indivisa Showy annual Mexican Zinnia Zinnia mexicana Attractive to bees, butterflies, and birds Pennsylvania Smartweed Persicaria pensylvanica laevigata High ecological value to birds, moths, butterflies, and other insects Plains Coreopsis, Goldenwave Coreopsis Tinctoria Bright, showy flowers Prairie Sunflower Helianthus petiolaris Drought, disease tolerant; edible, true seeds Rose Moss Moss Rose, Portulaca grandiflora Colorful flowers Texas Bluebonnet * Lupinus texensis Spring flowers Red Gomphrena Gomphrena haageana Rock gardens; showy flowers; attracts butterflies CACTI
Common Names Scientific Name Comments Barrel Cactus* Ferocactus wislizeni Food source; scaly yellow fruit; barrel shaped, solitary, rot prone Cholla Tree Opuntia imbricata Long-lasting yellowish fruits; edible pads; numerous barbed glochids Dumpling Cactus * Mammillaria runyonii Rock gardens Engelman's Prickly Pear Opuntia engelmannii Major wildlife food/shelter source Fishhook Cactus * Echinocactus scheeri Accent plant; rock gardens Nipple Cactus, Biznaga de Chilitos * Mammillaria heyderi Bird food; rock gardens Rat-Tail Cactus * Wilcoxia poselgeri Background plant; rock gardens Strawberry Cactus * Echinocereus enneacanthus Accent plant; rock gardens; purple flowers; edible fruit Texas Prickly Pear, Nopal Prickly Pear, Lindheimer Prickly Pear Opuntia engelmannii var. lindheimeri Used extensively for food
Common Names Scientific Name Type Comments Annual Fountain Grass Pennisetum setaceum Annual Accent plant; annual border Big Bluestem Andropogon gerardii Perennial Finger-like flowering branches Big Sacaton Sporobolus wrightii Evergreen Accent; rocky slopes Common Curly Mesquite Hilaria belangeri Grayish-green; potential turf grass; erosion control Dwarf Pampas Grass Cortaderia selloana (Pumila) Evergreen Showy white/yellow; drought tolerant; razor sharp leaves Fountain Grass Pennisetum ruppelii Perennial Little Bluestem* Schizachyrium scoparium Perennial Wildlife food Muhly Grass Muehlenbergia lindheimeri Perennial Fall color, showy foliage; bunchgrass Pampas Grass Cortaderia selloana Evergreen Deep green, razor sharp leaves Perennial Fountain Grass Pennisetum alopecuroides Evergreen Rock gardens or to plant in front of a border or bed Purple Autumn Grass Miscanthus sinesis Evergreen Summer flowering season Sideoats Grama * Bouteloua curtipendula Semi-deciduous Extremely drought tolerant; distinctive inflorescence
TurfCommon Names Scientific Name Comments Bermuda Grass Cynodon dactylon Drought tolerant; poor shade tolerance Buffalo Grass Buchloe dactyloides Drought tolerant; poor shade tolerance Zoysia Grass Zoysia species Drought tolerant; dense; slow grower
GROUNDCOVERCommon Names Scientific Name Type Comments Ajuga Ajuga reptans Evergreen Compact, dense mat; attracts bumblebees Asiatic Jasmine Trachelospermum asiaticum Evergreen Green or variegated foliage Bouncing Bet Sapinara officinalis Perennial Soap properties; poisonous; white or pink flowers Creeping Juniper Juniperus horizontalis Evergreen Dense shrub Feather Dalea Dalea formosa Semi-evergreen Spectacular when in bloom; low border Liriope Liriope muscani Evergreen As a border, controls erosion Mexican Sage Salvia leucantha Evergreen Attracts hummingbirds; deer resistant Santolina Santolina sp. Evergreen Silver gray foliage; button-like yellow flowers; aromatic Showy Stonecrop Sedum Sedum spectabile Deciduous Rock garden; large pink flowers in summer Trailing Indigo Blue Dalea greggi Evergreen Hardy; purple flowers in summer; attracts bees Vinca Vinca major Evergreen Shiny green foliage; profuse periwinkle flowers Wintercreeper Euonymus Euonymus fortunei Evergreen Variable use as groundcover, clinging vine or small shrub
PERENNIALSCommon Names Scientific Name Type Comments Awnless Bush Sunflower Simsia calva Deciduous Flowering year round. Can grow in heavy clay soils Baby Sun/Sunray Coreopsis* Coreopsis grandiflora Evergreen Daisy-like golden blooms Bearded Iris Iris xiphioides Bulb Bulbous flower; variety of colors Blue Plumbago Plumbago auriculata Evergreen Mounded shrub; resilient Daylily Hemerocallis sp. Semi-evergreen Adaptable; easy grow; edible Devil Weed, Spiny Aster * Leucosyris spinosa Deciduous Rock gardens; accent plant Eastern Coral Bean, Corolillo * Erythrina herbacea Deciduous Showy flowers; attracts hummingbirds Engelmann Daisy Engelmannia peristenia Evergreen Yellow flowers Foxglove Cobaea penstemon Deciduous Food for Wildlife/Livestock Frog Fruit, Turre Hembre * Phyla strigillosa Evergreen Also used as groundcover Garden Canna (Canna x generalis) Canna x generalis Evergreen Yellow, red, pink, salmon Goldsturm Rudbeckia Rudbeckia x goldsturm Semi-evergreen Golden-yellow flowers Heart Leaf Hibiscus, Tulipan del Monte Hibiscus cardiophyllus Evergreen Attracts bees, butterflies, and birds Heath Aster Aster ericoides Deciduous White with yellow centers Hinckley's Columbine Aquilegia hinckleyana Evergreen Yellow flowers Leather Stem, Sangre de Drago, Rubber Plant * Jatropha dioica Deciduous Accent plant Louisiana Iris Iris fulva x, Iris giganticaerulea x, Iris foliosa Evergreen Year-round; drought tolerant; can be used as pond plant Mealy Blue Sage, Mealy Cup Sage Salvia farinacea Deciduous Borders, meadows, mixtures; attractive to bees, butterflies, and birds; deer resistant Mexican Mint Marigold Tagetes lucida Deciduous Attracts birds; fall bloom Mexican Primrose Oenothera speciosa Evergreen Delicately fragrant white primroses; invasive Monkey Grass Ophiopogon japonica Evergreen Moonbeam/Zagreb Coreopsis Coreopsis certicillata Deciduous Long blooming Pavonia Pavonia lasiopetala Semi-evergreen Hibiscus-like pink/rose colored flowers Perennial Verbena Verbena sp. Semi-Evergreen Attracts butterflies, insects, and birds Pink Rain Lily Zephyranthes grandiflora Semi-deciduous bulbs Blooms large rose pink flowers after a heavy rainfall Red Yucca Hesperaloe parviflora Evergreen Accent plant; attracts hummingbirds Sago Palm Cycas revoluta Evergreen Saladillo * Varilla texana Evergreen Yellow flower; cactus gardens Society Garlic Tulbaghia violacea Evergreen Violet flowers; narrow leaves; onion fragrance. Sweet Violet Viola odorata Semi-Evergreen Violet flowers; heart-shaped leaves Upright Prairie Coneflower, Mexican Hat Ratibida columnifera Deciduous Deer-resistant; long leafless stalks bearing red-yellow/brown flowers White Rain Lily Zephyranthes candida Evergreen Rock gardens White Sage Artemisia ludoviciana Evergreen Hairy leaves; small gray-yellow flowers in summer Wild Petunia * Ruellia, Ruellia nudiflora Deciduous Aggressive; good background
TREESDeciduous (S - 15-25 ft; M - 25-40 ft; L - over 40 ft)
Common Names Scientific Name Size Comments Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum L Conifer with fall color Berlandier Ash Fraxinus berlandierana M Gray-green to bright-green foliage Berlandier Fiddlewood, Negrito * Citharexylum berlandieri S Gnarled trunk Bur Oak Quercus macrocarpa L Bold foliage; huge acorns Cedar Elm, Olmo Ulmus crassifolia M-L Fall color Chinese Parasol Tree Firmiana simplex L Shade tree; specimen Chinese Pistache Pistacia chinensis L Spreading canopy; fall color Chinkapin Oak Quercus muehlenbergii L Compact shade tree Common Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica S Showy flowers Common Fig Ficus carica S Edible fruit Desert Willow, Mimbre Chilopsis lineraris S Attracts Hummingbirds Fan d'Arc Osage Orange Maclura pomifera 'Fan d'Arc' S Improved fruitless selection Goldenrain Tree Koelreuteria paniculata, K. bipinnata M Showy flowers and seed pods Gum Bumelia, Coma, Woolybucket Bumelia Sideroxylon lanuginosum S-M Showy flowers Honey Locust Gleditsia triacanthos L Thornless varieties available Honey Mesquite * Prosopis glandulosa M Wildlife food Jacaranda Jacaranda mimosifolia L Poisonous if ingested Japanese Persimmon Diospyros kaki S Large red or orange edible astringent fruit Jerusalem-Thorn, Retama, Lluvia de Oro, Crown of Thorns * Parkinsonia aculeata S Wildlife food Kentucky Coffee Tree Gymnocladus dioicus L Upright tree; fine textured foliage La Coma, Caimito Sideroxylon celastrina S Wildlife food; nesting for birds Lace Bark Elm Ulmus parvifolia L Showy exfoliating bark Lacey Oak Quercus glaucoides S-M Peachy leaves in spring turning Blue-green and back to peach in fall Mexican Buckeye Ungnadia speciosa M Mottled gray/brown bark, poisonous seeds Mexican Plum Prunus mexicana S Fall color Mexican Sycamore Platanus mexicana L Adapted to dry, rocky, alkaline soils Montezuma Bald Cypress, Sabino, Ahuehuete Taxodium mucronatum L Specimen tree; frequently cultivated in parks and gardens Pecan Carya illinoesis L Produces edible pecan nuts Pomegranate Punica granatum M Edible: Fruit, leaves, seeds Redbud Cercis sp. S-M Heart-shaped leaves; reddish-purple buds Rough Leaf Dogwood Cornus drummondii M Attracts butterflies Royal Paulownia, Empress Tree Royal Paulownia, Empress Tree (Paulownia tomentosa) M-L Heart-shaped leaves; showy violet flowers Soapberry, Western Soapberry, Jaboncillo * Sapindus drummondii M-L Shade tree; large yellow cluster flowers Staghorn Sumac Rhus typhina S Brilliant fall color; clusters of small red fruit Sugar Hackberry, Palo Blanco, Southern Hackberry * Celtis laevigata L Shade; wildlife food Texas Paloverde, Paloverde Parkinsonia texana S Attractive clusters of yellow flowers Texas Persimmon, Chapote, Mexican Persimmon * Diospyrus texana S Wildlife food Texas Pistache Pistacia texanaTc>S Wildlife food Texas Red Oak Quercus buckleyi, Quercus texana S-M Fall color; reddish-brown acorns Texas Redbud Cercis canadensis var. texensis S Showy magenta flowers Vitex, Chaste Tree Vitex agnus-castus S Aromatic; showy summertime flowers Wright Acacia, Uña de Gato Acacia wrightii M Wildlife food
Evergreen (S - 15-25 ft; M - 26-40 ft; L - over 40 ft)Common Names Scientific Name Size Comments Afghan Pine Pinus eldarica L Windbreak Aleppo Pine Pinus halapensis L Short needles, massive lateral branches Anacahuite, Anacahuita, Mexican Olive Tree * Cordia boissieri S Flowers most of the year Arizona Cypress Cupressus arizonica M-L Conifer; pyramidal Bay Laurel Laurus nobilis S-M Aromatic evergreen tree Black Cherry Prunus serotina L Fragrant white flowers Canaert Redcedar Juniperus virginiana M Compact; pyramidal Chinese Juniper Juniperus chinensis S-L Popular evergreen; gardens/parks Chinese Photinia Photinia serratifolia, Photinia serrulata M Hedge/privacy screen Cork Oak Quercus suber L Leathery/ovate to elliptical Deodar Cedar Cedros deodora L Silver-green color Escarpment Live Oak Quercus fusiformis, Quercus virginiana var. fusiformis M Shade tree Huisache Acacia minuata, A. farnesiana, A. smallii M Intensely fragrant Italian Cypress Cupressus sempervirens L Tall, dark green columns Italian Stone Pine Pinus pinea L Japanese Black Pine Pinus thunbergii S Rounded small tree; adapted to alkaline soils Japanese Ligustrum Ligustrum lucidum M-L Fast growing Japanese Loquat Eriobotrya japonica M Fragrant flowers. Seed is poisonous if ingested Live Oak Quercus virginiana L Shade tree Mexican Ponciana, Tabachin del Monte, Mexican Caesalpinia Caesalpinia mexicana S Attracts hummingbirds Mexican White Oak, Monterrey Oak Quercus polymorpha L Hardy; resistant to oak wilt Nellie R. Stevens Holly Ilex S Broadleaf, specimen, red berry Pinyon Pine, Mexican Pinyon Pinus cembroides L Rounded cones with thick scales Sandpaper Tree, Anaqua * Ehretia anacua M-L White flower clusters Southern Waxmyrtle Myrica cerifera S Olive green leaves; specimen tree Texas Ebony, Ebano * Pithecellobium ebano, P. flexicaule M Bird nesting Texas Mountain Laurel, Mescalbean * Sophora secundiflora S Showy fragrant purple leaves Variegated Pittosporum Pittosporum tobira variegata S Glossy gray-green leaves; small white flowers Palm Trees (S- up to 10 ft; L - over 10 ft)
Common Names Scientific Name Size Comments California Washingtonia, California Fan Palm, Petticoat Palm Washingtonia filifera L Fan-leafed, full-sun elliptical black fruit "berries" Dwarf Palmetto Sabal minor S Trunkless or short trunk; fan-like leaves Mexican Fan Palm (Washingtonia robusta) Mexican Fan Palm (Washingtonia robusta) L 100 ft. tall Palmetto Palm Sabal Palmetto L Salt and frost tolerant Texas Palmetto, Texas Sabal, Palma de Macharos, Texas Palmetto, Sabal Palm * Sabal texana, Sabal mexicana L Only native Texas palm; tall columnar palm; shiny green to yellowish leaves
SHRUBSDwarf (under 3 ft)
Common Names Scientific Name Leaf Type Comments Calderona, Ratany * Krameria ramosissima Deciduous Densely branched shrub Dwarf Yaupon Holly Ilex vomitoria nana Deciduous to Evergreen Asymmetrical, dense, rounded False Broomweed, Monte de Conejo * Ericameria austrotexana Deciduous Aromatic, invasive Fern Acacia Acacia angustissima Deciduous Thornless shrub or small tree Japanese Garden Juniper Juniperus procumbens Evergreen Tough; many varieties Purple Coneflower, Black Sampson Echinacea angustifolia Deciduous Borders, meadows, butterfly gardens; used medicinally
Small (3-5 ft)Common Names Scientific Name Type Comments Apache Plume Fallugia paradoxa Semi-evergreen White rose flowers Autumn Sage * Salvia greggii Semi-evergreen Mounds; many flower colors Catclaw Sensitive Briar Schrankia nuttallii Perennial Vine-like; curved briers; wildlife food Cottoneasters Cotoneaster, Rosaceae Evergreen Bird food Desert Lantana * Lantana macropoda Deciduous Aromatic Dwarf Burford Holly Ilex cornuta rotunda burfordii Evergreen Glossy green foliage Dwarf Chinese Holly Ilex cornuta rotunda Evergreen Glossy green foliage Dwarf Pittosporum Pittosporum tobira wheeleri Evergreen Glossy dark green leaves False Mesquite Calliandra conferta Semi-evergreen Showy blooms; airy foliage Flame Acanthus Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii Deciduous Red or orange blooms; attracts hummingbirds Flowering Quince Chaenomeles japonica Deciduous Spring blooming (red, pink, white or orange) Germander Wood Sage * Teucrium canadense Evergreen Pink and white flowers; dry shady gardens Indian Hawthorne Raphiolepis indica Evergreen Spring flowering; blue berries in fall Inland Ceanothus Ceanothus ovatus Deciduous Rounded and dense with upright stems Japanese Boxwood Buxus japonica Evergreen Knife-Leaf Condalia, Costilla * Condalia spathulata Evergreen Wildlife food Lantana, Hierba de Cristo Lantana urticoides Deciduous Wildlife food; aromatic; showy flowers Mexican Fiddlewood, Boxthorn Fiddlewood * Citharexylum brachyanthum Deciduous Bird cover and food Mexican Oregano Poliomintha longiflora Semi-Evergreen Semi-woody; used for culinary purposes Nandina Compact Nandina Domestica Compacta Evergreen Reddish foliage and red fall berries Prostrate Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis Evergreen Groundcover; attractive to bees, butterflies, and birds Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis Evergreen Fragrant blue flowers Rouge-Plant, Coralito, Pigeonberry * Rivina humilis Evergreen Ground cover; showy red berries; bird food Tea Rose Rosa adorata Deciduous Long blooming; pest resistant; variety Thrysus Dalea * Dalea scandens Evergreen Compact and upright with showy yellow flowers Tropical Sage, Mirto, Scarlet Sage * Salvia cocciniea Evergreen Attracts hummingbirds, butterflies; red/pink blooms Vine Ephedrine, Popote, Mormon Tea * Ephedra antisysphilitica Evergreen Green, yellow-green or gray stems appear leafless
Medium (6-10 ft)Common Names Scientific Name Type Comments Agarito, Palo Amarillo * Mahonia trifoliata Evergreen Bird food Anacacho Orchid Tree Bauhinia congesta Semi-Evergreen White flower clusters Apes-Earring, Tenaza * Pithecellobium pallens Evergreen Fragrant white flowers Barbados Cherry, Manzanita * Malpighia glabra Evergreen Pink flowers; red fruit Berlandier Mimosa, Espina de Vaca * Mimosa berlandieri Deciduous Accent plant; wildlife food Blackbrush, Chaparro Prieto * Acacia rigidula Deciduous Fragrant Blue Sage, Mejorana * Salvia ballotaeflora Deciduous Accent plant; herb gardens Bridal Wreath Spirea Spirea cantoniensis, S. reevesiana Deciduous White, showy flowers Brushy Lippia * Lippia alba Deciduous Aromatic; medicinal Bush Holly, Coronilla * Xylosma flexuosa Evergreen Whitish, nectar-filled flowers Catclaw Acacia, Uña de Gato * Acacia greggii Deciduous Wildlife food; rock garden Cenizo, Purple Sage * Leucophyllum frutescens Semi-evergreen Showy flowers; butterfly food Chilipiquin * Capsicum annuum Deciduous Wildlife food China Rose Rosa chinensis Deciduous Various flower colors Common Beebush, Vara Dulce, Whitebrush * Aloysia gratissima Deciduous Delicate; fragrant white flower Coyotillo * Karwinskia humboldtiana Evergreen Spineless, woody; toxic Creosote Bush, Gobernadora * Larrea tridentata Evergreen Attracts hummingbirds Desert Olive, Chaparral Blanco, Panaleo, Narrowleaf Forestiera * Forestiera angustifolia Evergreen Wildlife food Desert Yaupon, Capul * Schaefferia cuneifolia Evergreen Wildlife food Dwarf Pomegranate Punica granatum Deciduous Orange flowers Dwarf Waxmyrtle Myrica pussilla Evergreen Aromatic Eleagnus Eleagnus fruitlandi Evergreen Grayish-green foliage Esperanza (Yellow Bells) Tecoma stans var. angustatum Deciduous Showy yellow flowers Four-wing Saltbrush, Costillas de Vaca * Atriplex canescens Evergreen Wildlife food Glossy Abelia Abelia grandiflora Evergreen Bronze foliage and white flowers Goatbush, Amargosa, All-thorn Goat-Bush * Castela erecta, texana Perennial Wildlife cover; medicinal Gray Cotoneaster Cotoneaster glaucophylla Evergreen Sprawling shrub; dusty gray foliage Heavenly Bamboo Nandina Evergreen Reddish foliage and red fall berries Hog Plum, Texas Colubrina * Colubrina texensis Deciduous Wildlife food; fragrant blooms Indigo Bush Amorpha fruticosa Deciduous Windbreak; insect repellent; stunning purple/orange flowers Italian Jasmine Jasminum humile Evergreen Sprawling; yellow summer flowers Lotebush, Clepe * Ziziphus obtusifolia Deciduous Wildlife food Mermaid Rose Rosa x bractaeta Semi-deciduous Fragrant, pale yellow flowers; vigorous climber; pest resistant Mountain Sage, Royal Sage Salvia regla Deciduous Full blooming, attracts hummingbirds Pride of Barbados Poinciana pulcherrima Deciduous Attractive to bees, butterflies, and birds Primrose Jasmine Jasminum mesnyi Evergreen Lemon-yellow, unscented flowers Rockrose Cistus Deciduous Pink or purple flowers Rose of Sharon Shrub Althea Hibiscus syriacas Deciduous Variety of edible flowers Snake-Eyes, Putina * Phaulothamnus spinescens Deciduous Transparent, eye-like fruit; good bird cover Soapbush, Guayacan * Guajacum angustifolium Evergreen Showy purple flower Southwest Bernardia, Oreja de Raton * Bernardia myricifolia Semi-evergreen Bird food; unusual foliage Texas Colubrina, Guayule, Hog Plum Colubrina texensis Deciduous Wildlife food Texas Kidneywood, Vara Dulce * Eysenhardtia texana Deciduous to Semi-deciduous Wildlife food Texas Torchwood, Chapotillo * Amyris texana Evergreen Aromatic Tree Morning Glory * Ipomoea carnea fistulosa Deciduous Profuse flowers Vanhoutte Spirea Spiraea x vanhouttei Deciduous Profuse white flowers; rounded-top fountain shape Willow Leaf Heimia, Hachinal * Heimia salicifolia Deciduous Yellow flowers; medicinal Winter Honeysuckle Lonicera fragrantissimo Deciduous Fragrant; white flower clusters in winter Wolfberry, Tomatillo Lycium berlandieri Deciduous Leafless until winter; blue, lavender or white flowers; wildlife food Yellow Plumbago Galphimia glauca, Thryallis glauca Evergreen Forms a dense and twiggy mass covered in light green oblong leaves
Large (over 10 ft)Common Names Scientific Name Type Comments All Thorn Koeberlinia spinosa Deciduous Green spine-tipped branches American Holly Ilex opaca Evergreen Pyramidal; spine-tipped leaves Baretta * Helietta parvifolia Evergreen Endangered species Berlandier Acacia * Guajillo, Acacia berlandieri Semi-Evergreen Fragrant flowers Brasil, Capul Negro, Bluewood * Condalia hookeri Evergreen Wildlife food Cameron Forestieria * Forestieria texana Deciduous Common Oleander Nerium oleander Evergreen Ornamental; poisonous; Summer blooming; many colors available Evergreen Sumac * Rhus virens sempervirens Evergreen Edible/fruit drink; fall color Firebush Hamelia patens Evergreen Attracts hummingbirds Fraser Photinia Photinia x fraseri Evergreen Red new foliage Green Pittosporum Pittosporum Tobira Evergreen Lady Banksia Rosa banksia Evergreen Yellow or white single flowers Lime Prickly Ash, Uña de Gato Zanthoxylum fagara Evergreen Attractive to bees, butterflies, and birds Littleleaf Sumac, Correosa, Desert Sumac Rhus microphylla Deciduous Rounded dense shrub; bird food Mexican Redbud Cercis canadensis var. mexicana Deciduous Fragrant flower Ocotillo Fouquieria splendens Deciduous Velvet texture with sharp spines Oriental Arborvitae Platycladus orientalis Evergreen Dense, conical shape Possumhaw Ilex decidua Deciduous Widest ranging of all Texas hollies; adapts to wide range of soil conditions Quihoui Privet Ligustrum quihoui Deciduous White flowers; round blue-black fruit Roemer Acacia Acacia Roemeriana Deciduous White balls of fragrant white flowers; pinkish flat beans Rose of Sharon, Shrub Althea Hibiscus syriacus Deciduous Large colorful flowers Spiny Hackberry, Granejeno * Celtis pallida Evergreen Wildlife food; green/white flowers Texas Mulberry Morus microphylla Deciduous Texas Pistache Pistacia texana Evergreen Small shiny leaves; seeds in clusters Texas Randia, Crucillo * Randia aculeata Evergreen Exuberantly fragrant flowers Twisted Acacia, Huisachillo * Acacia schaffneri Evergreen Dense; wildlife food Waxleaf Ligustrum Ligustrum japonicum Evergreen Attractive foliage; spring flowers (unpleasant perfume) White-Thorn Acacia Acacia constricta Deciduous White thorns; yellow aromatic puffball flowers Willow Leaf Heimia, Hachinal * Heimia salicifolia Deciduous Small dark green leaves; yellow flowers Windmill Palm Trachycarpus fortunei Evergreen Accent tree Yaupon, Youpon Holly * Ilex vomitoria Evergreen Bird food; showy fruit Yellow Bird of Paradise Caesalpinia gilliesii Evergreen Attracts hummingbirds
SUCCULENTSCommon Names Scientific Name Comments Century Plant Agave americana Wildlife; sharp-pointed spines Hen And Chicks Sempervivum spp. Rock Gardens Maguey Cenizo, Rough Leaved Agave * Agave scabra Accent plant; spiny, rough leaves Oreja de Perro, Wooly or Woody Crinklemat * Tiquillia canescens Cactus garden; wooly upper stems and woody lower stems; pink flowers Sotol, Desert Spoon Dasylirion leiophyllum Accent plant Spanish Dagger, Yucca, Palma Pita * Yucca treculeana Accent plant; straight/stiff leaves; wildlife food source Variegated Maguey* Agave americana var. milleri forma marginata Accent plant; stripes along margins of each leaf
VINESCommon Names Scientific Name Type Comments Blue Passion Vine, Corona de Cristo* Passiflora foetida Deciduous Edible fruits/leaves. Unpleasant aroma Carolina Jessamine Gelsemium sempervirens Evergreen Yellow; bushy; compact flowers Common Morning Glory Ipomoea purpurea Deciduous Invasive; purple flower Common Trumpet creeper; Improved Trumpet Vine Campsis radicans Deciduous Rampant, woody; large orange flowers Conferderate Jasmine Trachelosperum jasminoides Evergreen Fragrant white spring flowers Coral Honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens Semi-Evergreen Red Blooms Coral Vine, Mexican Creeper; Queen's Wreath Antigonon leptopus Evergreen Rose-pink flowers in late summer/fall Fiddleleaf Morning Glory, Railroad Vine, Goat-Foot Ipomoea Pescaprae Evergreen Funnel-shaped flowers; pinkish lavender with purple red throats Fig Ivy Ficus pumila (repens) Evergreen Clings to walls Japanese Honeysuckle Lonicera japonica Evergreen Colorful; fragrant Passion Vine, Corona de Cristo* Passiflora suberosa Deciduous Informal groundcover; low-climbing Rosa x Rosa x fortuniana Evergreen Climber; fragrant white flowers Trumpet Vine Camsis Radicans Deciduous Orange flowers in summer and fall; fast growing Virginia Creeper Parthenocissus quinquefolia Deciduous Clinging; fall color Wisteria Wisteria sp. Evergreen Stunning bloomer; fragrant flowers *Currently on display at the Lamar Bruni Vergara Environmental Science Center.
[Texas native plants in bold.]
Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, South Texas Natives Plant List.
City of Laredo Tree Ordinance, Table 1: Recommended Trees for the Laredo Region.
Native Texas plants: landscaping region by region/Sally and Andy Wasowski - 2nd ed.
San Antonio Water System Watersaver Plant list.
Texas Agricultural Extension Service, Xeriscape Landscape Water Conservation. Plants selected for South Texas Region and those adapted to most Texas areas.
Texas Forest Service, Texas Planting Guide, Recommended Trees for Webb County.
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department: Texas Plant Information Database. Plants selected for Ecological Distribution—South Texas Plains, Physical Form—all available physical forms, Topographic Tolerance—Upland, Bottomland, pH Tolerance—Slightly Alkaline, Highly Alkaline.
Texas Urban Landscape Guide, a group initiative combining efforts between the Texas Cooperative Extension, the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association and the Texas Water Development Board.
The Lamar Bruni Vergara Environmental Science Center Suggested Plant List for Home Landscaping.
Trees, Shrubs, & Cacti of South Texas/James H Everitt, Lynn Drawe, Rob.
( Ord. No. 2014-O-048, §1(Exh. A), 4-21-14 )