§ 33-238. Commercial litter prevention plans.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to name, address, telephone, and contact information, all commercial litter prevention plans must include the following:


    A site plan sketch to accompany the narrative, which shall contain:


    A site location map of the commercial establishment, indicating the location of the commercial establishment in relation to roadways, jurisdictional boundaries, streams and rivers;


    Property lines;


    Existing landscaping, fencing, and vegetation;


    Prevailing wind direction;


    Drainage flow direction and structures;


    Placement of required trash receptacles;


    Anti-littering signage placement (if large commercial establishment);


    A summary of potential daily commercially generated litter found on property;


    A schedule, expressed in time and days of the week, of when trash receptacles will be emptied;


    A schedule, expressed in time and days of the week, of manual and/or mechanical litter removal act ivies on the property.


    The commercial litter prevention plan shall contain signed certification by the owner/operator of the commercial activity that the commercial litter prevention plan will be followed in accordance with the plan that is submitted to the city.


    The commercial litter prevention plan shall contain signed certification by the owner/operator of the commercial activity that all trash will be disposed of at a registered landfill.

(Ord. No. 2005-O-198, § 1, 8-15-05)