Laredo |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 33-305. Household hazardous waste.
Purpose. It is the purpose of this section to discourage the practice of disposing household hazardous waste such as paint, batteries, cleaning agents, and fertilizers, to the MS4 and/or water bodies, so as to reduce the pollutants such as heavy metals, nutrients, toxic material, oil, and grease in stormwater discharges.
Prohibitions. No person shall:
Introduce any type of hazardous waste generated in and around a household including, but not limited to batteries, used paints, solvents, used pesticide bottles/cans, and used toiletries in to the MS4;
Discharge a household hazardous waste having a pH value lower than 6.0 or higher than 10.5; or
Place, or cause, or allow to be placed, a household hazardous waste within the MS4 and/or water bodies. It shall be also unlawful for any person to place, or cause or allow to be placed, a household hazardous waste in a inlet within any street in the corporate limits of the city in such a manner that the same may be washed by the flow of water into the MS4 and/or water bodies.
Implications. This subsection implies that unused portions of household hazardous products that are considered to be household hazardous waste should be disposed of properly at a household hazardous waste collection site or through the city's household hazardous waste collection and proper disposal program.
(Ord. No. 99-243, § 1, 8-23-99)