§ 5.5-14. Promulgation of regulations.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Regulations will be promulgated by the permit officer to effectuate the provisions of this chapter regarding the design and construction of ambulances, necessary emergency equipment and supplies to be carried in ambulances, and health and sanitation in the operation of ambulances and in the care of patients.


    Regulations shall be promulgated by the permit officer to provide for the phasing out or conversion of ambulances and equipment which is in use by ambulance operator permittees at the time and passage of this chapter but which do not meet the requirements of this chapter. The regulations shall attempt to avoid placing an unreasonable financial burden on the permit holders. The regulations shall allow permit holders not more than one (1) year to achieve full compliance.


    Regulations will be numbered as additional subsections of this section.


    The permit officer shall issue a notice of intention to promulgate or amend regulations. The notice shall contain a statement of the officer's intention to promulgate or amend the regulations, an invitation for written comments, and the text of the regulations or section thereof which is proposed to be promulgated or amended. A copy of the notice shall be filed with the city secretary, and a copy will be distributed to each holder to an ambulance operator permit, by certified mail, and to the ambulance advisory council. The permit officer shall allow at least twenty (20) days, from the date a notice is mailed, for the receipt of written comments. The regulations or amendments thereof shall become effective ten (10) days after the last day allowed for the receipt of written comments, unless the permit officer alters the proposed regulation or amendment, in which case the permit officer shall issue a new notice and repeat the provisions of this subsection (d), but only in regard to those specific sections which are to be altered.


    The adoption or amendment of regulations by the permit officer may be appealed to the city council by filing a sworn notice of appeal with the city secretary within ten (10) days from the date the regulation or amendment becomes effective. The regulation or amendment shall remain effective during the pendency of the appeal unless otherwise ordered by the permit officer or the city council.

(Ord. of 12-2-80, § 14)