§ 6-116. Spayed or neutered dog or cat registration required; intact dog or cat registration required.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    [Spayed or neutered cat or dog.] The owner of any dog or cat must register each spayed or neutered dog or cat before the animal attains six (6) months of age through microchip. The owner of a spayed or neutered dog or cat shall register or cause the animal to be registered with the department and the registration shall include the name and address of the owner, description of the animal, and have attached thereto a copy of the proof of current rabies vaccination. (Rabies vaccination must be attained when animal reaches three (3) months of age.)


    [Intact cat or dog.] The owner of any dog or cat that is not spayed or neutered must register the dog or cat as an intact dog or cat before the animal attains six (6) months of age through microchip, or cause it to be registered as an intact dog or cat with the department. The registration shall include the name and address of the owner, description of the animal, and have attached thereto a copy of the proof of current rabies vaccination.


    [Defense to prosecution.] It is a defense to prosecution under this section if:


    The dog or cat owner is a nonresident of this city and is keeping the subject pet in the city for fewer than thirty (30) days and can show proof of rabies vaccination; or


    The dog or cat owner has been a resident of this city for fewer than thirty (30) days and can show proof of rabies vaccination;


    The dog or cat qualifies for a medical exception from a veterinarian or if the dog or cat is less than six (6) months old.


    Validity of permit. The permits issued pursuant to this section will be valid for twelve (12) months from the date of issuance or until the expiration of the current rabies vaccination certificate, whichever occurs sooner.




    All owners of dogs and cats in the city are required to register their dogs and cats. Registration shall occur annually by submission of a rabies vaccination certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian with the appropriate registration data or by microchipping the dog or cat and the submission of the microchip number with the appropriate registration data.


    The department, any licensed veterinarian or pet store located in the city which is approved by the director, is authorized to register a dog/cat with appropriate registration data such as identifying number, name and address of owner; name, age, breed, color and date of vaccination of the dog or cat, spay or neuter data.


    Effective August 1, 2011, a dog or cat may only be registered by having the dog or cat microchipped and the microchip number and all appropriate registration data submitted to the health department. A veterinarian or authorized entity can also send the owner to register the pet at the health department.


    Fees collected by entities other than the department if they register the pet will be collected by the entity and fifty (50) percent of collection will be provided to the department.


    All authorized entities registering a spayed, neutered or intact dog/cat must provide the registration to the department within thirty (30) days.


    Fee for the microchip is established as the actual cost of the chip plus any associated costs (shipping, handling fees and sales tax if appropriate) and if inserted by the city health department, an additional administrative fee not to exceed twelve dollars ($12.00) will be added.


    Wearing tags, exception.


    If not microchipped, dogs must wear dog license tags at all times while outdoors; except those dogs which are kept for show or exhibition purposes are not required to wear such tags as long as the dogs are otherwise under restraint.


    If not microchipped, cats are not required to wear tags on a collar due to the danger of accidental strangulation.


    Nontransferability. It shall be an offense for any person to use any dog or cat registration for any animal other than the one for which it was issued.

(Ord. No. 2010-O-029, § 1, 3-15-10; Ord. No. 2011-O-093, § 1, 7-18-11)