§ 8-7. Veterans' tract.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    There is hereby set aside within the city cemetery a tract of land to be designated as the "veterans cemetery." Such tract of land is hereafter described as follows:

    A tract of land in the city cemetery consisting of an area extending one hundred (100) feet north and south and one hundred twenty-five (125) feet east and west. Said tract of land being situated twenty-one and one-half (21½) feet east of the Episcopal plot; twenty-four (24) feet north of the Woodman of the World, Robles Camp, and Hijos de Juarez plots; twenty-one and one-half (21½) feet west of the Obreros plot; and approximately eleven (11) feet south of the north fence of the city cemetery facing on Saunders Avenue as per the attached sketch marked EXHIBIT "A."


    The city hereby designates the land above described for the exclusive use for burial of veterans of the armed forces of the United States who have served in the military forces of their country and are residents of the city or the county, such designation to continue until such tract of land has been fully utilized for burial of veterans of the armed forces or until this designation is terminated by ordinance of the city council.


    It is specifically provided that the full fee title to such property shall remain in the city, including all mineral rights in and to such property and that the purchase of a burial site as hereinafter defined shall extend only to the necessary area to perform the burial of veterans of the armed forces of the United States.


    Burial sites will be made available to veterans who have served in the armed forces of the United States and who are residents of the city or the county, under the following terms and conditions:


    The term "burial site" is hereby defined as a space of land three and one-half (3½) feet wide by ten (10) feet long, which dimensions include the area for a headstone.


    The sale of burial sites will be carried out by the director of the city cemetery and the consideration for such sites shall be paid to the city cemetery director as authorized by the city.


    The consideration for the purchase of a burial site shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00), or any future burial site increase as set by the city but not to exceed the maximum amount allowed under the veterans benefit programs of the United States for burial sites. In the event, however, that the allowance for a burial site under the veterans benefit programs of the United States should be discontinued or reduced below the sum of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) in the future, then in that event, the consideration shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per burial site. Eligibility for the purchase of a burial site in the veterans cemetery shall be limited to veteran members of the armed forces of the United States and their wives or husbands who are residents of the city or county, such veterans to be certified as such by the veterans service officer of the county.


    A veteran and his wife or her husband shall be buried in the same burial site in order to make maximum utilization of the space available and a charge for the burial site shall be the amount for one site only where the husband and wife are buried in a single plot.


    No individual monument or headstone protruding above ground level at each burial site shall be allowed in the veterans cemetery in order that the premises may be appropriately maintained in such area.


    The city shall operate and maintain the veterans cemetery but the city shall not be obligated to incur any expense for any monument which the city council may approve in the future on such tract of land.


    The city, through the city council, reserves the right to establish any other rules and regulations deemed necessary by the council in the operation of such tract of laud as a veterans cemetery in the future.

(Ord. of 9-19-74, §§ 1-5)