§ 15-76. Accumulation of tires and other containers; inspection of premises.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Sufficient storage required. It shall be the duty of every person owning, managing, operating, leasing or renting any premises where new, used or old tires and other containers whether one (1) or more, are stored or allowed to accumulate or allowed to lie around to provide and maintain in good order at all times on any such premises an enclosed structure of sufficient capacity to accommodate within and to keep away from rain, irrigation or any other source of water, any tire or tires and other containers located on such premises. Such enclosed structure or structures shall be kept clean and free from the accumulation of any material or substance which may or might attract flies, rodents or other insects or pests.


    Inspections, investigations authorized. It shall be the duty of the city health officer and his authorized agent or representative, police officers, ordinance enforcement officers and anyone designated by the mayor, and they are hereby directed, to make any and all necessary inspections and investigations of any and all premises to see that the terms of this article are complied with.


    Enforcement of penal provisions. The penal provision of this article shall be enforced by the city health officer or his authorized agent or representative, and by all police officers of the city and by the ordinance enforcement officers of the city.

(Ord. of 4-21-81, art. II)