§ 25-83. Permit required.
It shall be unlawful any person to install an irrigation system or perform major maintenance, alternation repair to service without having first received a permit therefore from the city building development services department. The city shall not issue an irrigation permit to any person not holding a valid irrigator's license issued by the TCEQ, unless an exemption exists in accordance with state law. Persons exempt under state law from the requirement to hold an irrigation license are still required to comply with the requirement of this subsection.
Permit application. An application for a permit shall include plans and specifications regarding the design, installation, and operation of the irrigation system in accordance with the standards provided for in 30 TAC chapter 344, now or as hereafter amended. Plans, specification, and other design work shall be sealed, signed and dated by a licensed irrigator.
Posting. Irrigation permits shall be posted in a visible location at the project site. The director may promulgate reasonable rules regarding expiration or abandonment of permits where the applicant has failed to complete the project and close out the permit in a reasonable period of time. The director shall be allowed to refuse issuance of any new irrigation permit to an applicant who has not properly closed out prior permits.
Separate contractor for design and installation. In accordance with state law, the preparation of the design, and the installation of the system, although each requiring a license or exemption, need not be performed by the same person or entity.
[Requirements for compliance.] If repairs to an existing stem exceed fifty (50) percent in valuation, the complete system must compliance with this article. If less than fifty (50) percent valuation is done to the system, only a backflow prevention device and rain sensor must be provided.
An irrigation system that is that an on-site sewage disposal system, as defined by V.T.C.A., Health and Safety Code § 355.002; or
An irrigation system used on or by an agricultural operation as defined by V.T.C.A., Agriculture Code § 251.002; or
An irrigation system connected to a groundwater well used by the property owner for domestic use.
(Ord. No. 2010-O-026, § 2(D), 3-1-10)