§ 32-68. Fares to Mexico (computation of fares).
On trips into Mexico the same fare shall be charged as for a trip of the same length and duration in the United States but, in addition thereto, there shall be an extra charge to be recorded on the American side of the international crossing of eleven dollars ($11.00). If the passenger or passengers return in the same cab, this extra fare is to be made only on the trip into Mexico and not repeated on the trip back. During the holiday periods drivers may use the zone fares as approved by city council.
(Ord. No. 84-114, § 2(32.53), 7-17-84; Ord. No. 96-060, § 1, 5-6-96; Ord. No. 98-282, § 1, 11-2-98; Ord. No. 2007-O-154, § 1, 8-20-07)