§ 33-354. Facilities required to obtain industrial stormwater discharge permits.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity that discharge directly to waters of the US or through municipal separate storm sewer systems are required to obtain NPDES permits from EPA/TNRCC and industrial stormwater discharge permit from the city. EPA policy reads as follows: activities requiring permits are defined in two (2) ways: by a narrative description or by a standard industrial classification (SIC) code. Industrial sites identified by SIC code are required to obtain permit coverage only if the primary site activity is within the SIC codes listed. If the listed activity is not the primary site activity, it is considered the auxiliary activity, it does not require permit coverage. For categories defined by a narrative description, a permit is required if any of the described activity occurs on site. The city engineering department has incorporated the EPA SIC codes (see Table 1). Facilities with stormwater discharge associated with industrial including: manufacturing/industrial facilities, hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facilities, recycling facilities, power plants, mining operations, some oil and gas operations, airports and certain other transportation facilities are required to apply. The following is a preliminary listing of businesses required to obtain state/federal industrial stormwater permits.

    Table 1

    SIC Code Description
    101 Iron ore mining
    102 Copper ore mining
    103 Lead and zinc ore mining
    104 Gold and silver ore mining
    106 Ferro alloy ore mining except vanadium
    108 Metal mining services
    109 Miscellaneous metal ore mining
    12 Coal mining and related facilities
    131 Crude petroleum and natural gas extraction
    132 Natural gas liquids extraction
    138 Oil and gas field services
    141 Dimension stone mining
    142 Crushed and broken stone mining, including rip-rap
    144 Sand and gravel mining
    145 Clay, ceramic, and refractory materials
    147 Chemical and fertilizer mineral mining
    148 Nonmetallic mining mineral mining, except fuels
    24-21 General sawmills and planing mills
    24-91 Wood preserving
    24-11 Log storage and handling
    24-26 Hardwood dimension and nonferrous flooring mills
    24-29 Special products sawmills, not elsewhere classified
    243 Millwork, veneer, plywood, and structural wood
    244 Wood containers
    245 Wood buildings, mobile homes
    24-93 Reconstituted wood products
    24-99 Wood products, not elsewhere classified
    261 Pulp mills
    262 Paper mills
    263 Paperboard mills
    281 Industrial inorganic chemicals
    282 Plastics materials & synthetic resins, synthetic rubber, cellulose & other materials fibers except glass
    284 Soaps, detergents and cleaning preparations, perfumes, cosmetics, and other toilet preparations.
    286 Industrial organic chemicals
    287 Agricultural chemicals
    289 Miscellaneous chemical products
    295 Asphalt paving and roofing materials
    299 Miscellaneous products of petroleum and coal
    311 Leather tanning and finishing
    321 Flat glass manufacturing
    322 Glass and glass hardware, pressed or blown
    324 Hydraulic cement manufacturing
    325 Structural clay products manufacturing
    326 Pottery and related products manufacturing
    327 Concrete, gypsum, and plaster products
    32-95 Minerals and earth, ground otherwise treated
    32-97 Non-clay refractories
    331 Steel works, blast furnaces, and rolling and finishing mills
    332 Iron and steel furnaces
    333 Primary smelting and refining of nonferrous metals
    334 Secondary smelting and refining of nonferrous metals
    335 Rolling, drawing, and extruding of metals
    336 Nonferrous foundries (castings)
    339 Miscellaneous primary metals products
    34-41 Fabricated structural metal
    373 Ship and boat building or repairing yards
    40* Railroad transportation
    41* Local and highway passenger transportation
    42* Motor freight transportation and warehousing (except 4221, 4222, and 4225)
    43* United States Postal Service
    44* Water transportation
    45* Air transportation facilities
    50-15 Automobile salvage yards
    50-93 Scrap recycling facilities
    51-71* Petroleum bulk stations and terminals


    *Businesses with SIC codes 40 through 45 and 5171 are required to obtain stormwater permits ONLY if they have vehicle maintenance shops, equipment cleaning operations, or airport deicing operations.


    The following facilities that do not have SIC codes associated with them, but are required to obtain an industrial stormwater discharge permit.


    Hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facilities.


    Landfills, land application sites, and open dumps that receive or have received industrial waste.


    Stream electric power generating facilities.


    Sewage treatment works publicly owned (POTW) or privately-owned.


    Construction operators (contractors and land owners) for clearing, grading, and excavation of sites over five (5) acres in size.


    The following businesses subject to stormwater effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, or toxic pollutant effluent standards under 40 CFR Subchapter N (these businesses may be included in another section of this list) are required to obtain permit.

    Facility Description:

    Dairy products processing

    Grain mills

    Canned and preserved fruits and vegetable processing

    Canned and preserved seafood processing

    Beet, crystalline, and liquid cane sugar refining

    Textile mills

    Pulp, paper, and paperboard

    Builder's paper and paperboard

    Pharmaceutical manufacturing

    Pre-mining and dressing

    Paint or ink formulating

    Carbon black manufacturing

    Battery manufacturing

    Phosphate manufacturing

    Ferro alloy manufacturing

    Glass manufacturing

    Metal molding and forming

    Coil coating

    Aluminum forming

    Electrical/electronic components manufacturing

    Cement manufacturing


    Organic and inorganic chemical manufacturing

    Soap and detergent manufacturing

    Fertilizer manufacturing

    Petroleum manufacturing

    Iron and steel manufacturing

    Meat products processing

    Metal finishing

    Coal mining

    Mineral mining and processing

    Paving and roofing materials

    Pesticide chemicals manufacturing

    Plastic molding and forming

    Nonferrous metal manufacturing

    Steam electric power

    Leather tanning and finishing

    Asbestos manufacturing

    Timber products processing

    Porcelain enameling

    Copper forming

    Nonferrous metal forming and powders

(Ord. No. 99-337, § 1, 11-15-99)