§ 6-67. Additional requirements for keeping.  

Latest version.
  • All animal(s) kept, harbored, housed, corralled or maintained within the city limits, whether or not by permit, shall be subject to the following requirements:


    Such animals shall be kept, harbored, housed, corralled or maintained in an enclosure constructed in a manner such as to effectively prevent the escape of such animal(s) from the enclosed area.


    Every keeper shall provide adequate and sanitary drainage and maintain sanitary conditions for the enclosures.


    Adequate provisions must be made to cause the litter and droppings from such animal(s) to be collected daily in a container or receptacle of such type that, when closed, is ratproof and flytight; provided, that after each such collection, such container or receptacle shall be kept closed at all times, and the owner or caretaker of the animal(s) shall cause the litter and droppings so collected to be disposed of daily in such a manner so as not to permit breeding of flies, attraction of rodents, emission of a noxious or offensive odor, or to cause any other unsanitary condition.


    Adequate provision must be made to cause all feed that is to be kept or stored upon the premises to be kept or stored in ratproof and flytight receptacles.


    The keeping, harboring, housing, corralling or maintaining of such animal(s) shall not present a hazard to the health or physical safety of any inhabitant of the city.


    The premises of every keeper or prospective keeper of such animal(s) shall be subject to inspection by the director or his designee at all times without notice.

(Ord. No. 86-24, § 1, 2-17-86; Ord. No. 93-62, § 1, 4-19-94; Ord. No. 2010-O-029, § 1, 3-15-10)